Guarding My Lens: A Photographer's Journey and the Importance of Self-Protection

January 18th, 2024

As a single photographer, I've always felt that my camera is an extension of my soul. Not just a tool, but part of me. It's like a third eye that lets me see the world in a way that others can't. The story I tell with my lens is as unique and singular as I am. But every journey comes with its own set of challenges and mine is no different.




One of the most profound lessons I've learned over the years is the importance of self-protection. And no, I'm not talking about insurance for my equipment or safety measures during shoots. I'm talking about emotional and mental self-defense. This is what inspired my Instagram caption: 'Lord, protect me from my friends. I can take care of my enemies.'




It may sound dramatic, but in my experience, it's the people closest to me who have caused the most damage. Whether it's a lack of understanding about the importance of my work or just plain jealousy, some 'friends' have tried to undermine my efforts, questioning my skills or even trying to steal my clients. My enemies, on the other hand, are predictable. I know what to expect from them, and I can handle it.




In this journey, I’ve learned to be vigilant, to guard my lens and my passion from those who don’t value it. I’ve learned to surround myself with positive influences, people who challenge me to be better, not drag me down. And most importantly, I've learned to believe in myself and my vision, even when others don't.




So, what’s stopping you from booking DRoKc Photography? Don’t let the noise of others drown out your own inner voice. Let my lens capture your story, your essence, in a way no one else can. Because at the end of the day, it's not just about taking pictures. It's about creating something meaningful, something lasting. And I promise to protect that with everything I have.